【同义词辨析】 2018-08-07 不当indecorous-indelicate

indecorous: suggests a violation of accepted standard of good manners: your ~ manners marred the wedding reception.

improper: applies to a broader range of transgressions of rules of not only social behavior BUT of ethical practice, or logic procedure, or prescribed method: the ~ use of campaign contributions.     (transgress泛指任何违反越界, 有道德意涵,repeated finacial transgressions再三经济不轨)

unseemly: adds a suggestion of special inappropriateness to a situation or an offensiveness to good taste: remarried again with ~ haste.

indecent: implies great unseemliness or gross offensiveness especially in referring to sexual matters: a scene judged ~by the censors.

unbecoming: suggests behavior or language felt to be beneath or unsuited to one's character or status: conduct ~ an officer.

indelicate: implies a lack of modesty, or of tact, or of refined perception of feelings: ~ expressions for bodily functions.

indecorous不合礼仪: 就是不礼貌的,improper不当: 范围更广,除了社交方面还可用于伦理流程方法等,unseemly不得体: 不合时宜(inappropriate to situation)违反品味(offensiveness to good taste),indecent下流: 非常不得体粗暴冒犯,特别指性,unbecoming不当失品: 言行有失品格地位(beneath介词低于),还表示不好看(unbecoming dress难看的衣服 ),indelicate粗俗不雅: 不谦虚不圆通不敏感(tact圆通老练,本身是词根表示触摸,比喻人际交往时需要象手指一样敏感,避免冒犯别人)


         2)不当的意思是不正确不适当没品味mean not conforming to what is accepted as right, fitting, or in good taste.